jewelry studio owner, Christy Sears. Instructor since 2014. Metalsmithing since 2004

About Our Studio

Owned by Christy Sears. Texafornia Mama with a wry-sense of humor and infectious giggle. Cheerleader of all who say, “sure. ‘I’ll give it a try.”

Originally established in Venice, CA. Now, South of Atlanta, GA

  • Dedicated to serving the heart/hands/mind connection. IYKYK! Starve one and the others suffer

  • We understand the value of teaching not only "how" but “why” and “when”

  • Our goal is to provide solid and safe bench-instruction, combined with hands-on practice, so artists may operate safely, creatively, independently and successfully. (And have a lot of fun at the same time!)

  • We love to answer questions and share knowledge

  • Classes are broken into technique-based units, so you may choose what’s best for your creative goals

  • You should find tools and options that fit with your hands and brain. There are many ways to achieve a solution, so you’ll almost never hear, “Do it this way or it’s wrong”

  • Classes are a one-time meeting at 4.5-hours max. Any longer and creative brains shut-down. Plus, you have a life. There’s no need for sessions that last weeks and weeks